Alessio Marcone

MindQ Web App

Responsive mobile-first web app that allows users to save content from the web and social media.


UX/UI Designer, User Research, Brand Designer


Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Notion


User frequently discovers compelling content but struggles to remember and engage with it later.


Provide an organized and personalized means for users to access and revisit their saved content from web. Encourage users to be productive and focus on content that inspires and elevates them bridging the gap between discovery and engagement.

To date, numerous apps allow users to save web content they come across, and often, these “Saved Content” sections become virtual graveyards of posts we’ll never revisit because we get distracted by other things. Our minds are proactive in wanting to save content because it gives us hope that we’ll delve into a specific topic or learn something new. However, users tend to forget about these saved items due to external distractions.

The goal is to encourage the user to stay focused and not miss out on anything they consider important by saving it in specific collections, and then revisiting the content at the most convenient time of day.


The hypothesis has primarily been substantiated through data analysis conducted on user research, which predominantly encompassed the user survey and in-depth interviews.

One-Click Saving

Users should be able to save web content with a single click or tap. This action should be intuitive and quick.

Content Preview

Before saving, users could be provided with a preview of the content, including a title, description, and possibly a thumbnail image, to help them identify it later.


Users should have the option to create multiple collections to categorize their saved content. For examples, “Articles” “Videos” or specific topics of interest.

Offline Access

Provide the option to save content for offline access, ensuring that users can revisit it even without an internet connection.

Cross-Platform Sync

Ensure that saved content and collections are synchronized across all devices where the app is available.

Integration with Web Browsers

Offer browser extensions or plugins that make it convenient for users to save content directly from their web browsers into the application.

Notification Preferences

Allow users to set notification preferences for reminders to revisit their saved content. These reminders should be adaptable based on user habits.

Privacy Controls

Ensure that users have control over the privacy settings of their saved content, allowing them to choose whether to keep it private or share it with others.

Search Functionality

Implement a robust search feature that allows users to find saved content quickly using keywords, tags, or other criteria.

User Survey

A total of 30 respondents answered 9 questions, and the following responses are those which have influenced the product’s design. Here’s some of key questions:

Question #1

How regularly do you save online content for later reading or viewing?

0 %
Multiple times a day
0 %
Multiple times a day
0 %
Multiple times a day

Question #2

What types of online content do you commonly save for later?

0 %
Media content
0 %
Articles or blog posts​
0 %
Bookmarks or URLs​

Question #3

What factors influence your decision to revisit and consume saved content?

0 %
Relevance or interest
0 %
Organization and ease of access
0 %
Social recommendations

Question #4

How do you prefer to receive reminders or notifications for saved content?

0 %
I don't want reminders or notifications
0 %
Email reminders
0 %
Push notifications on my device

Question #5

What are your feelings regarding a smart notification system based on user behavior and device usage?

0 %
0 %
0 %

User Persona

Based on a comprehensive analysis of survey results and interview responses, a user persona has been crafted to mirror the characteristics and preferences of the diverse MindQ user base.

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”




Software Developer




Atlanta, GA

Andrew Greene


Andrew is a tech enthusiast and a software developer with a passion for cutting-edge technologies. He loves exploring AI, machine learning, and emerging trends in the tech industry. Lucas is known for his innovative projects and often mentors aspiring developers.





Information architecture

The Information Architecture represents the MVP that primarily prioritizes essential features, with a strong emphasis on touchpoint and a streamlined, fast, and user-friendly online top-up process.

Colors and Styles

I have carefully selected a color palette that incorporates a combination of warm and cool tones to represent the balance aspect. This color scheme aims to evoke a sense of harmony, creating a visually engaging experience for users.

Mid-fi design

Hi-fi design

2023 © Alessio Marcone
All Right Reserved.